Works by computing the realtive grey-level of each pixel a'la ppmtopgm, and uses those values to scale the RGB levels. Note that this is different from using pgmnorm on the individual red, green, and blue greymaps (as produced by ppmtorgb3) and recombining them.
By default, the darkest 2 percent of all pixels are mapped to black, and the lightest 1 percent are mapped to white. You can override these percentages by using the -bpercent and -wpercent flags, or you can specify the exact pixel values to be mapped by using the -bvalue and -wvalue flags. Appropriate numbers for the flags can be gotten from the ppmhist tool. If you just want to enhance the contrast, then choose values at elbows in the histogram; e.g. if value 29 represents 3% of the image but value 30 represents 20%, choose 30 for bvalue. If you want to lighten the image, then set bvalue to 0 and just fiddle with wvalue; similarly, to darken the image, set wvalue to maxval and play with bvalue.
All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.